• FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)

On Air

  • FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)
101.4 FM · DAB+

Wildblood and Queenie


2nd and 4th Friday of the Month

Heading towards three decades as a disco, DJing and you know what partnership; it would appear we now definitely know how to make each other and the dancefloor wiggle. Which is good, we’ve been at it long enough. We take pleasure in playing disco and disco-infused grooves. We take even greater pleasure sharing those grooves on our 1BTN radio show. Definitely two ladies old enough to know better, we aim to bring our history of life on the dancefloors of club nights and events including Brighton Pride, B,Please!, Patterns, Wild Family, Club Barbra, Sunday Sundae, The Syndicate Party, Daze and The Tempest Inn to our 1BTN live shows. Sharing the love, lessons and laughter a lifetime together down the discotheque brings.

We could talk about the things we’ve done, the gigs we’ve played, the songs Josephine’s sung, the words we’ve written, the exhibitions we’ve curated, the infamous shoulders we’ve leant against as we’ve played behind the decks, or even the dog show Queenie judged with Barbra Windsor back in the 80s but 1BTN isn’t the place for that. It’s about the music and the connection we make with you dear listener. Our socials tells the tales, our radio show brings the grins. Be it with feelgood tunes, camp corners, delightful dee-tours, our #TogetherWeveGotThis virtual dancefloor, upfront exclusives or moments of regal banter and married life, our time on 1BTN is the therapy we could never afford. More uplifting than a Ms Mary of Sweden, queerer than Quentin on a bender and more loved up than Wildblood on Shoom dancefloor back in the day, we are proud to fly our glittering disco flag on 1BTN for you.

The Wildblood and Queenie Show on 1BTN. If you like a lot of disco on your biscuit, join our club.

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