• FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)

On Air

  • FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)
101.4 FM · DAB+



3rd Sunday of the Month

Mild mannered Scot with a penchant for records and large specs. Don’t think much has changed over the last 40 years other than my location and waistline.

I’m from Inverness originally, followed by 15 glorious years in Glasgow with 9 of those years helping run a record shop. I then moved to London and since 2013, I have been here in Brighton.

The UBIK show has no set rules – I will play whatever I have discovered and bought recently alongside old favourites – from electronic music to rock to soul to the Scottish World Cup 82 song (which should be played at every opportunity).

But whatever it is, it will be good! Cant guarantee the same for my patter…

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