• FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)

On Air

  • FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)
101.4 FM · DAB+

Sounds Of Eighty Six


3rd Sunday of the Month

One evening myself (Jif), Jeffo and TC were sat in our homes, listening to a radio show hosted by some friends of ours hosted when we were shocked to hear we were going to be guests on the show the next week. We’d all collected music for many years and TC did the odd bit of DJing, but we were a bit nervous about the prospect.

Little did we know then, but we ended up taking over the radio slot on a permanent basis and we’ve been doing a show ever since, playing an eclectic mix of music encompassing psych, folk, pop, electronic music, basically anything we’re liking at the time.

We were honoured to be asked to join the 1BTN family in 2019, with our monthly Sunday morning show. Our name Eighty Six, despite most people’s assumptions, isn’t a nod to nostalgia for our misspent youths, it is in fact the South Manchester bus route that the venues we put a lot of our early nights on at happened to be on, sad but true…

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