• FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)

On Air

  • FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)
101.4 FM · DAB+

Mr B


1st Tuesday of the Month

My name is Mr.B The Gentleman Selector (usually ‘Rhymer’, but I’m on the radio) and I am a Chap-Hop Superstar (TM).

I’ve been playing my peculiar mix of beats, rhymes and manners across the globe for the last 14 years or so.

Before that, starting from about 1990 I have played in an indie-dance band on Channel 4’s The Word, a top 40 Britrap band who soundtracked Euro ’96, had innumerable quirky breakbeat tunes used on films and TV, toured Japan playing Anglo-Irish hip-hop, made comics about ennui, had an illustration draped over Brighton’s Embassy Court, performed rave banjolele at Fatboy’s place and was, along with my brother, John Peel’s personal party DJ of choice.

I am beholden to no genre on my first-Tuesday-of-every-month show.
If it’s what dear Pater might call ‘a bit different’ I’ll more than likely play it.
That said I am partial to wonky hip-hop beats and tend to play many exclusives from my own label/alter-egos of The Chap-Hop Business Concern.

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