• FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)

On Air

  • FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue (R)
101.4 FM · DAB+

Mickey Duke



I’m a music loving motor mouth from the mighty Wolverhampton. In amongst a million shit jobs I’ve enjoyed being a jobbing DJ the most, throw in my efforts as a struggling promoter and I’ve found myself in and around the music scene for around 25+ years. Many incredible, mostly hazy happenings – and a lot of flops and failures to boot! – led me to founding a rather lovely project back in 2014 and the result is the radio station we now call, 1BTN. We had our 5th birthday this year and with the help of an ever-evolving, talented bunch of music lovers and a killer backroom team we are making good on the idea of creating a go-to underground music platform, broadcasting worldwide from the lovely city of Brighton & Hove.

I present a show called ‘The Get Up’ and with the help of more talented guests than i you will be treated to 3 hours of proper good music and inane wittering’s, leaving you feeling decidedly average at worst.

You in?


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