• Brighton Sundae

On Air

  • Brighton Sundae
101.4 FM · DAB+

Mickey Duke chats to Mildlife lead singer, Kev McDowell

Hey, Kev. Mickey here from 1BTN. How you doing? Awesome, yeh, I’m good. Thanks. Starting at the beginning then, Kev. How long have you guys been performing together as a band? The band probably started doing this thing in 2011/12. It was a little different back then. So, it’s been … read more

Nat Birchall Interview

Known for a series of albums exploring the cosmic end of jazz on the Pharaoh Sanders/John Coltrane axis, saxophonist Nat Birchall has released an LP of full dread roots reggae and dub with studio maestro Al Breadwinner. Ian Lawton quizzed him about the genesis of their brilliant ´Sounds Almighty’ album, … read more

Defunkt – Thermonuclear Sweat

1BTN’s Ian Lawton traces the genesis of New York, Jazz-Funk band Defunkt and their underrated album ‘Thermonuclear Sweat’ (Pic: Joe Bowie & John Mulkerin copyright Ian Lawton)   The first time I heard the the term ‘Jazz-Funk’ was in connection with Level 42. As a kid weaned on punk and … read more

Sampa the Great Interview

Sampa the Great, the creator of the Great Mix Tape and the Great Mixtape II which is due for release soon, was kind enough to take time off her busy schedule to talk to Chris from Art In Brighton on their 1BTN show about her tour, life at home and … read more

Steve Cobby Interview

As one half of Fila Brazillia and then as part of various collaborative projects, and under several solo monikers, Steve Cobby has been  a prolific producer of electronic music from the 1980s to the current day. Operating under his own rules and seemingly unaffected by the winds of musical change … read more

#metoo  – a modern man’s guide

#metoo  – a modern man’s guide The #metoo debate has posed some thorny questions for men. What should we do? How can we help? Is it even our responsibility? A little over a fortnight ago, Harvey Weinstein’s world collapsed around him, like his dressing gown in a dimly lit hotel … read more