• FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue

On Air

  • FSR Radioshow w/ Daz-I-Kue
101.4 FM · DAB+

Focus on Steve KIW

Our very own wordsmith & purveyor of all things Balearic. The man with that collection, spills the beans on his love affair with vinyl and the lifelong addiction that is DJing.

Focus on Blackbeltjonez

Back when it all began, we thought it would be fun to present our presenters with a series of Q&A’s just to see what makes them tick. BlackbeltJonez hosts the Burnt Toast Breakfast show on Saturday mornings & has a wealth of knowledge of all things hip hop. Here’s his take on the audible landscape..

Focus On Steve McMahon

Next in the firing line for our Focus interviews is Steve McMahon. This should be interesting..

Focus On Jim Lister

Back to our series of Focus interviews with 1 Brighton FM DJs & this time it’s Jim Lister in the hot seat..

Focus On Daddy Marcus

Next to step into the Focus spotlight, we have the Daddy of the dulcet tones – our very own, Daddy Marcus.

Focus on Dan Tester aka Dante

Brighton boy Dan Tester has been DJing as part of the Family Funktunes collective for the past 15 years.

Focus On Mickey Duke

Next in line for a grilling, Mickey Duke. Founding partner, co-Director of 1 Brighton FM, DJ extraordinaire.

Focus on Chris Galloway

Focus is a new series of interviews with our presenters. We kick off with Chris Galloway.