On Air

101.4 FM · DAB+

Oisima – Sonic Fruits

With delicate dancing melodies and exotic imaginings Adelaide’s Oisima has found a global audience with his emotionally connective, original productions. From his debut EP “Dusk Till Dawn” to his semi-regular mix tapes ‘Jewels of Thought’ his follow up ‘Goddess’ EP & full length ‘Nicaragua Nights’ to his most recent album … read more


Out of London town, Renata, returns to the 1BTN airwaves for her second Monthly outing. Ren has always been into music and collecting records but was pretty happy staying in the background. In the past six years or so – and with the encouragement of her piers – Ren has … read more

Katie Barber

Katie Barber has a rich history within the UK club community. Starting out under the guidance of the likes of Phil Asher & Patrick Forge back in the day, Katie kept the right company to begin a Dj career. Katie was resident at the aforementioned duo’s ‘Inspiration Information’ club night … read more

Daz-I-Kue – Global Fam Groove Show

Daz-I-Kue, a Londoner now Atlanta/Nashville resident and former member of the world respected production crew and broken beat pioneers Bugz In The Attic. They remixed the likes of Amy Winehouse, Macy Gray, Soul II Soul and 4 Hero and are seen widely as one of the pioneers of the broken … read more

J Felix (Tru-Thoughts Records)

J Felix, a musician and Producer. He records predominantly for Brighton’s excellent Tru-Thoughts imprint. A dope selector and a lovely man to boot! A few words from Joe, “I love music with soul in it and like to play stuff from across different styles and support the musical friends I … read more

Daz-I-Kue’s Global Fam Groove Show

Daz-I-Kue, a Londoner now Atlanta/Nashville resident and former member of the world respected production crew and broken beat pioneers Bugz In The Attic. They remixed the likes of Amy Winehouse, Macy Gray, Soul II Soul and 4 Hero and are seen widely as one of the pioneers of the broken … read more

Mikey Futuristic – Futuristic Sounds

A lifelong passion for music, Mikey Futuristic’, desire to express himself creatively lead to experimenting with deejaying in the 2000s. Since then he’s played at various venues in the UK and overseas. Mikey presents ‘Futuristic Sounds’ Radio Show, originally on pirate radio station Deja Vu FM, in 2007. Mikey joined … read more

Homies w/ Christian Len (Ibiza)

Homies are, Camilo Miranda, and, Christian Len, and they host a Monthly show on 1BTN. Camilo is the music curator of the infamous Pikes Ibiza and Christian Len is a music journalist, who has been resident at te island’s Kumharas, Blue Marlin & Hostal la Torre. They guys share the … read more

Steppers w/ Edseven, Steve Spacek & Tom Studdy

Who are, Steppers? Well, 3 of the dopest producers and selectors you could wish to celebrate. Born out of a Monthly basement session club night, the vibe was so strong that they felt the need to expand on that sound. Future Soul, Afrobeat, UKG, Hip Hop, Bruk, House and beyond, … read more

Mildlife w/ Sophie McAlister

Friday sees the return of our favourite Melburnians, as the Mighy Mildlife return for another episode of ‘Very Fantastic Radio’ Once a month our cosmic brothers from down under drop a dope 2 hours of genre crushing bliss taking in soul, jazz, Balearic, psychedelia, krautrock, Brazilian and folky electronica gems. … read more