• Down To The Sea & Back w/ Kelvin Andrews (R)

On Air

  • Down To The Sea & Back w/ Kelvin Andrews (R)
101.4 FM · DAB+

1BTN is here!

Druuums please! Did you know it was apparently, Carlton (Alfonso Ribeiro), who immortalised that instruction at the beginning of Summertime? A fact that may be lost on those of you who don’t know, DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, and one that has seen me deviate from my point before I have even started!

Ok, Druuums please! Welcome one and all to your new look, rebranded and freshly re-launched radio station – 1BTN!

Just look around the screen in front of you, go on. See for yourself. We are fresher than a fresh man’s pet fresh. The music always has been – in our, ahem, humble opinion – and we are now back at you with a new name, a new look and a new image to complement the soundtrack.

1 Brighton FM is no more. It was good but we have dropped you for a younger and fitter model! I jest of course.

We have enjoyed our successes as 1 Brighton FM, a station that earned us a DAB licence, and then an FM licence to boot. It has truly been a wonderful two-and-a-half years. We have assembled an incredible family of presenters that continue to improve and deliver an enviable programme of music and chat – and various local community groups and charities have benefitted from our efforts too. Overall, we have built the foundations of something solid and tangible that will provide the platform for us to kick on and realise our full potential.

We are proud to have been, 1 Brighton FM.

This being a progressive project and one that we want to see grow exponentially, we have decided that giving it a kick up the backside is what is required, so here we find ourselves. The local community of Brighton and Hove has always been at the forefront of what we do. However, with regards to our reach outside of the area, we felt a little bit penned in by the, 1 Brighton FM, brand. It’s with this in mind that we re-launch as – 1BTN. Less letters to travel around with see. Less baggage n’ that. Anyway, as my old Nan used to say: “We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action. Fear is nature’s way of warning us to get busy.” It wasn’t actually my Nan who said that but I do like to bring her into a conversation when I can. Anyway, I digress, the words are true and ‘get busy’ we shall.

1BTN will see us take this ambitious community radio station to the next level. First and foremost, we are an underground radio station that plays specialist music. We cover a lot of ground and you are as likely to hear Indie, Psych and Punk as you are Hip-Hop, House and Funk, with all bases covered in between. We are live from 7am to midnight, Monday to Thursday – and more at the weekends – and this is about to increase. We want fully presented shows 24/7. The vast majority will still be brought to you live from the 1BTN bunker with minimal pre-records and even less repeats. We will be looking to engage big-name guests on a regular basis. We have already had an incredible array of well-known DJs and producers grace the studios and we want this to become a daily occurrence. The idea behind all of this is to become recognised as a go-to provider of good quality underground music. We would like to see 1BTN placed amongst the best of the respected music stations out there – and there are a lot of them! The choice is monumental and competition for listeners is fierce. It’s a challenge we will relish and if the music is good, you dance.

Our commitment to the local community will increase too and we have plans of launching a second service in the latter part of 2018.


Ideas on a postcard, please.

This second service will be solely for community groups, charities, businesses and relevant talk shows to engage those who have an interest in all things local. We said it was ambitious!

Ultimately, we can’t do any of this without you, the beautifully listener! Without you, your love and ongoing support we don’t exist. It’s for you that we toil so hard. We feel that you are worth it.

So, we would ask that you help us to embrace this new change, help us on the road to the battles ahead and as always, keep listening.

If you like what you hear, spread the word. If you don’t well then just keep it under your hat! Of course, what I mean is, please put forward any suggestions and ideas that you feel could improve the service we provide.

We are young and excitable, and we will need your guidance.

In the meantime, don’t forget to be awesome!

Big love,

Mickey and all at, 1BTN


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